CTA Hall of Fame

The Canadian Trapshooting Association's Hall of Fame honours Canadians who have made a positive impact on trapshooting in Canada and includes a category for the top Shooters and influential Builders of our sport.

The CTA was given two historic awards dating back to the early 20th century and have formed the base of the annual awards.

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CTA Hall of Fame Shooter Award

The CTA Hall of Fame Committee decided for the inaugural (2022) list of inductees, that the greats of our past and individuals that were responsible for us as an association would be considered.

The inaugural inductees for the Shooter Award that recognizes shooters for their shooting excellence were Vera Holsworth, George Genereux, Frank Opsal, Harry Willsie and Rod Boll.

Inaugural inductees for the Builder Award that recognizes individuals for their contributions to the sport included the founding members of the CTA - Harold Herron, Thomas Oliver Jr., Don Blow, James Boa, Harold Lister, Floyd Nattrass and Neil Primrose. Also inducted was Harry Willsie.

If you would like to nominate an individual for the CTA Hall of Fame, please complete the CTA Hall of Fame form and submit to the CTA Hall of Fame Committee. The Committee will meet in January of each to finalize the list of inductees. The yearly submission deadline is January 15.

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