The CTA is proud to honour the achievements and contributions of Peter Tsementzis and Andrea Bassan who are this year's inductees into the shooter and contributor categories respectively.
Peter is an Ontario shooter with many impressive achievements to his name, including Grand, Eastern Zone, Canadian and Ontario Provincial titles.
Andrea hails from Newfoundland, a Canadian Singles champion, and a longtime contributor to the sport locally, regionally and nationally.
The induction ceremony will be held during the 2025 CTA Championships at the Hamilton Gun Club. Please join us for the ceremony and the shoot.
Watch this site for full bios of both inductees coming soon.
Congratulations Peter and Andrea.
CTA Coast to Coast Trap Shoot
The Canadian Trapshooting Association invites you and your local club to participate in the Canadian Trapshooting Association’s Coast to Coast Trap Shoot - a Canada wide, 300 target satellite shoot scheduled for September 13, 2025.
There will be cash prizes and a High Over All, High Lady, and High Junior trophies. In the Coast to Coast Provincial Challenge, the province with the most points will have their 2026 CTA Dues paid for.
For complete shoot details and club sign up information, click here.
CTA All Stars - 2024
The CTA All Stars recognizes Canada's top trapshooters (1st and 2nd teams of 5) and the country's top Lady and Junior shooter.
The High Lady designation considers all Lady I and Lady II category shooters while the High Junior considers all Sub-Junior and Junior shooters.
Thanks to Perazzi Canada for sponsoring the CTA All Star Teams.
Team members will receive a limited edition Perazzi Canada CTA All Star hat in recognition of making the list. If you're a CTA All Star and we're missing a photo, feel free to send one along.
You can view the CTA All Stars by using the ALL STARS AND HALL OF FAME drop down menu on top of our webpage or by clicking here. Click on a photo of an All Star to view their complete profile.
2025 Canadian Trapshooting Championships
2025 Canadian Trapshooting Championships
The 2025 Canadian Trapshooting Championships will be hosted at the Hamilton Gun Club near Stoney Creek, Ontario. The Championship program runs from Thursday, June 26 to Sunday, June 29. A warm up shoot is also being considered for Wednesday, June 25.
Stay tuned for a shoot program and shoot details as they become available.
See you at the shoot!
Venue Information
Hamilton Gun Club 559 Highway 20 Stoney Creek, Ontario L8J 3H7
2025 Ontario ATA Provincial Trapshooting Championship
Interested in an extended trapshooting visit to Ontario? The Ontario Provincial Trapshooting Championships will be held at the St. Thomas Gun Club just a few days after Canadian Trapshooting Championships from July 2 - July 6. The St. Thomas Gun Club is located just an hour west of the the Hamilton Gun Club in St. Thomas, Ontario.
The 2024 Canadian Trapshooting Championships returns to British Columbia and will be held at the Vancouver Gun Club starting on June 26 and running through to June 30. The 2024 shoot will be a PITA shoot with cross registration available for ATA shooters.
The Vancouver Gun Club will also be celebrating their 100th anniversary in 2024 and both the BCTA and CTA see this as a great opportunity for PITA and ATA shooters to join together to crown Canada's top trapshooters.
Ontario’s Dianne Wood passed away on December 23, 2023 after a short battle with cancer. Our sincere condolences go out to Jim (past CTA president) and the entire Wood family.
Thanks to Perazzi Canada for sponsoring the CTA All Star Teams.
Team members will receive a limited edition Perazzi Canada CTA All Star hat in recognition of making the list. If you're a CTA All Star and we're missing a photo, feel free to send one along.
You can view the CTA All Stars by using the ALL STARS AND HALL OF FAME drop down menu on top of our webpage or by clicking here. Click on a photo of an All Star to view their complete profile.
CTA All Star Qualification Requirements have been updated for the 2023 target year. The CTA All Star committee has added a Canadian target requirement, added the Canadian Championships as a qualifying shoot and reduced the target requirements for Juniors. Click here to view the updated requirements.
2023 Canadian Trapshooting Championships - Results
Update September 2023
The 2023 Mackintosh Trophy has also been awarded. Winning and 2nd place team members will receive a crest and certificate. The Canadian Teams are listed here. For those not familiar with the international competition, click on this link for more details: Mackintosh History.
The results for the 2023 Canadian Trapshooting Championships are now available on the CTA Scoreboard.
From there, you can view the winner lists and the event scores. Just click on an event and the results are shown in a tabular format. Use one of the predefined filters (High Gun, Class or Category) or just click on a column heading to sort by that column. You can also use the Search box to lookup a shooter's scores.
Thanks to the Brandon Gun Club and the Manitoba Trapshooting Association for hosting a great shoot.
The Brandon Sun newspaper covered the shoot and were also on site for the CTA Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. You can view the article here:
The CTA All Stars is available by using the drop Menu on top of our webpage or by clicking here. Click on a photo of an All Star to view their complete profile.
CTA All Star Qualification Requirements have been updated for the 2023 target year. The CTA All Star committee has added a Canadian target requirement, added the Canadian Championships as a qualifying shoot and reduced the target requirements for Juniors. Click here to view the updated requirements.
CTA Hall of Fame
The CTA Hall of Fame recognizes individuals that have made significant contributions to the sport of trapshooting as a Shooter or Builder, or maybe both.
If you would like to nominate an individual for the CTA Hall of Fame, complete the CTA Hall of Fame form and submit to the CTA Hall of Fame Committee.
Submissions are accepted until November 1.
The CTA Hall of Fame is available by using the drop Menu on top of our webpage or by clicking here.
You may notice that some of our inductee bios are lacking a photo and/or additional details. If you can provided any information please contact us.
2023 Canadian Trapshooting Championships
The Brandon Gun Club in Brandon, Manitoba are hosting the 2023 Canadian Trapshooting Championships June 28 - July 2, 2023.
For complete shoot details checkout the Shoot Info page.
See you at the shoot!
2022 CTA Board and Delegates
The 2022 CTA Board was confirmed during the CTA Delegate’s meeting held during the 2022 Canadian Trapshooting Championships held recently in Calgary, Alberta. The complete list of CTA Board members and Provincial Delegates can be found here.
The CTA Delegates would like to thank outgoing president Dwight Smith (CTA president from 2014 – 2022) for his many contributions to trapshooting at the national level and most notably for securing ATA recognition of our national trapshooting championships. It was mainly through Dwight’s efforts that the CTA has received an ATA prize package for our championship events and for having the Canadian Trapshooting Championships recognized as an ATA All American Points shoot. Serving as Past President, Dwight continues to advise the CTA Board on matters of importance.
We would also like to thank BC Delegate Jerry Broten for his time as CTA Delegate for British Columbia and welcome the new CTA Delegate for BC Dom Stevens to the board.
CTA Executive
Canada Cap Challenge
Congratulations to Team Manitoba on this year's win! It was a close race. Event results here.
The Canada Cap Challenge was brought to you by these very generous sponsors!!!
Perazzi Alberta
Perazzi Canada
DVine Trap Club
High Prairie A&W
Edson Fish and Game - The Longest Mile
Thanks to all our sponosrs for making this event possible.
Stay up to date with the 2022 Canadian Trapshooting Championships with live scores, high gun reports and event results with the CTA Scoreboard.
Good luck shooters at this year's shoot!
Canadians attend the 2022 Southwestern Grand American
Congratulations to Manitobans Katie and John Jones for their outstanding performance at the 2022 Southwestern Grand American recently held at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio, Texas. Katie won 15 trophies in the tournament including the Southwestern Grand Handicap and High All Around Championships. Not to be outdone, John also won his share of trophies. For the complete shoot report click here.
CTA All Star Teams
The CTA has brought back the All Star Teams for 2021.
The CTA All Star Teams recognizes Canada's top 10 trapshooters (1st and 2nd teams of 5) and the country's top Lady and Junior shooters. The High Lady designation considers all Lady I and Lady II category shooters while the High Junior considers all Sub-Junior and Junior shooters.
CTA All Star Qualification Requirements
Composite averages (Singles, Handicap and Doubles) used to determine CTA All Stars
Canadians shoot their first 100 Straights at the 2022 Spring Grand
Canadian shooters shoot their first 100 straights during the 2022 Spring Grand hosted by the Tucson Trap and Skeet Club in n Tucson, Arizona.
Tyson Bourassa of Bonnyville, Alberta shot his first 100 straight to win C Class in the Prescott Singles preliminary event. Way to go Tyson!
Katie Jones of Arborg, Manitoba shot her first 100 straight in the Browning Singles Championship. Katie shot a 25-23-23-25-25-25-25-25 for a 196/200 and tied for second place in A Class. That's a 125 straight in our books. Katie also won Lady I in the Prescott Handicap. Congrats Katie!
1967 Canadian Trapshooting Championships
From the Trap and Field report of the 1967 Canadian Trapshooting Championships "Ontario Shooters Dominate Winner's Circle At Canadian Championships in Montreal."
With deepest regrets, we report that Vermont Delegate and Trapshooting Hall of Fame ambassador Dennis DeVaux passed away on January 6, 2022. Dennis was the victim of a pedestrian motor vehicle collision and will be greatly missed. Dennis' obituary can be found here.
We are also deeply saddened to report that Trap & Field Senior Editor Sandy Tidwell passed away on January 6, 2022. Sandy had been with Trap & Field since the 1980's, and she takes with her a vast knowledge of the sport’s history. She will be greatly missed.
2022 Canadian Trapshooting Championships
Updated August 16, 2022
The CTA 2022 Shoot Report and Mackintosh Team results have been posed to the CTA 2022 Results page.
Updated July 7, 2022
Complete results are now available on the CTA Scoreboard and on the CTA 2022 Results page. Thanks to all organizers and the Calgary Firearms Centre for a fantastic shoot and great hospitality.
Previous News Article
The 2022 Canadian Trapshooting Championships will be held June 29-July 3, 2022 at the Calgary Firearms Centre in DeWinton, Alberta just south of Calgary.
Due to club daily operating time constraints, organizers are scheduling a five day shoot with 200 targets per day. A warm-up shoot is scheduled for June 28. Club hours of operation vary from day to day and the shoot start times will be delayed for the practice and preliminary days.
The ten trap club is known for hosting great shoots and organizers are looking forward to hosting the Canadian Championships for the first time since 2009. The club’s trap background is considered to be one of the finest in North American, with targets floating across a bright blue sky with no obstructions.
Thanks to our sponsors, the Canada Cap Challenge will be back for this year's shoot!
Presquadding for the shoot is now available through (updated April 23, 2022)
Check our Championship Info page for the latest updates and shoot information.
CTA 2021 - Awards Update
Awards for the 2021 Canadian Trapshooting Championships have been completed and are in the mail as of October 28, 2021.
Winners should receive their awards in the coming days. If you do not receive your award please contact us at
2021 Canadian Trapshooting Championships Results
Complete CTA 2021 event scores and results are available by viewing the CTA Scoreboard. A complete listing of all events is also available.
Check out the 2021 Championship page for an updated shoot report (October 28, 2021) and complete results!
CTA Scoreboard
The CTA Scoreboard is where you'll find shoot info, live event scores, results and a Rolling Scoreboard (leaderboard) for this year's Canadian Trapshooting Championships.
Check out the CTA Scoreboard by clicking on this link. CTA Scoreboard.
The CTA Scoreboard can also be accessed under the CHAMPIONSHIP menu by clicking on Scoreboard.
The 2021 Alberta Provincial ATA Trapshooting Championships and the 2021 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot are also listed on the CTA Scoreboard. Give it a try and check out all the event scores and the Rolling Scoreboards.
President’s Message - CTA 2021
Hi all shooters from across Canada.
Finally, we have set the date for the satellite CTA 2021 shoot that we can hopefully all shoot. After many, many meetings, and thoughts in consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CTA board has decided on the shoot to be held across Canada on the 6,7,8 of August 2021. It will be an exciting shoot that hopefully any Canadian shooter can find a place to shoot.
This was not a stall tactic but a well-planned and thought out date to hold our shoot for 2021. Anyone can shoot in any location cross Canada - no borders or boundaries are restricting anyone from shooting anywhere they choose in the shoot locations across Canada. It has been a lot of work and planning to put this together for you the shooters across our great country. Now we can and will do it.
Best of luck to everyone participating. Thanks to all of the board members for their untiring efforts to make this happen. The prize package is phenomenal for this shoot.
Enjoy the first ever Canadian Trapshooting Championship to be held as a satellite shoot.
2021 Canadian Trapshooting Championships - Updated July 14, 2021
The Canadian Trapshooting Association Board of Directors have decided to move the 2021 Canadian Trapshooting Championships to August 6 - 8, 2021. This new date provides all clubs and shooters from coast to coast, the best opportunity to host and participate in this year's satellite shoot.
You'll find the CTA Buy and Sell under the CLUBHOUSE section of the CTA website. To submit your For Sale or Item Wanted post, visit the CTA Buy and Sell and click the Create Post button.
Posting an item is easy to do, just follow the instructions that will guide you through the process. You'll be asked to provide item details, price, description and contact information. You'll also have the option to post pictures of your item. You'll also receive an email notification after you submit your post which will contain your post details and an Access Code that you can use to edit your post. Please keep this email for future reference.
All post requests must be approved by the CTA Buy and Sell Administrator before the post becomes active and visible on the CTA Buy and Sell. We'll aim to review all post requests within 24 hours.
CTA Buy and Sell Disclaimer
Users of the CTA Buy and Sell are reminded to be safe and responsible online. It is always best to be informed and aware of the safest online practices to avoid scams and fraud online.
The Canadian Trapshooting Association does not accept any liability from the use of the CTA Buy and Sell. Users of this free service are encouraged to ensure that all legal requirements are met. Visit the Canadian Firearms Program for more information on the legal requirements for the sale and purchase of firearms and firearm related items.
Rod Boll - Rest in Peace - January 28, 2021
Saskatchewan trapshooter and 2019 Canadian Handicap Champion Rod Boll passed away suddenly on January 28, 2021. Our condolences to Rod's family and friends.
That's the word that imparts the thrill, That kindles the fire in the shooter to kill; Not the killing that's done at the war god's command, But the blood of the clay bird that calls for his hand.
You may talk of the joy on fame's short-lived fields, You may tell of the pleasure that youthfulness yields; But give me the true hearts of the men you will meet, At the trapshooting grounds, the sportsman's retreat.
The nerve that it takes in that old miss and out, And it's nerve that will tell, sir, if you do win the bout; Friends' spirit of strife, and their spirit of sport. That's what makes the trap the good fellow's fort.
When life's frolic are over, the gun laid away, And the tide is at ebb at the close of my day; I will feel that my measure of duty is full, If when the Lord whispers "ready", then I answer "pull".
By Dr. M. M. Sullivan
ATA Provincial Shoot Results
2020 ATA Provincial Shoot results are in. Thanks to all volunteers who made this year's shoots possible.
The Canadian Trapshooting Association would like to offer its congratulations to Paul Shaw for becoming the Amateur Trapshooting Association President, effective September 1, 2020.
Grand American Relocated for 2020
June 15, 2020
ATA staff and local officials have been providing information to state officials over the past several weeks concerning the possibility of the 2020 Grand American taking place at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex at Sparta Illinois. The ATA had asked for a decision by June 15 to allow time for Grand American preparations.
ATA staff was informed by IDNR representatives late Friday afternoon June 12 that a COVID-19 Mitigation plan for the Grand American from the ATA would be required by Sunday afternoon June 14 to assist in the Illinois Department of Public Health’s final consideration for allowing the 2020 Grand to take place at Sparta. Local health and government officials and ATA staff met at the ATA offices on Saturday June 13 to compose the plan which was supplemental to information already submitted. After review by the ATA Executive Committee, the plan was submitted to IDNR Saturday evening.
At 5:30 Monday June 15, ATA Executive Director Lynn Gipson, was informed by IDNR Director Colleen Callahan that the Grand American would not be allowed at Sparta this year. A press release was released by IDNR at the same time.
In anticipation of this decision, the ATA Executive Committee had pre-determined that if not at Sparta the Grand would be held at the home grounds of the Missouri Trapshooters Association, Linn Creek Missouri.
The dates of the AIM Championship will be August 2-4 (trap events only), and the Grand American August 5-15.
Over the next few days, ATA staff will be working on details and modifications for this year’s Grand American at Linn Creek. Please be patient as we plan and prepare this historic event. Details will first be posted to the ATA website.
With COVID-19 restrictions easing in many parts of Canada, trapshooters are getting back on the trapfields. Clubs are reporting that they are operating under a set of COVID-19 rules and are asking all shooters to please follow the posted rules.
Stay safe and stay healthy everyone.
CTA Executive
The government’s recent attack on licensed law abiding firearm owners, through the gun ban delivered through an Order in Council, cannot be tolerated. These are the important things you can do, besides contacting your MP, the PMO’s office and MP Bill Blair, who presented this ban to Canada. Sign the petitions at and that against the Order in Council.
The CCFR, NFA and CSSA have joined together to challenge the government’s OIC in court. Consider becoming a member of these organizations, and donating above and beyond that if you can to support the legal action.
Stand together with all firearm owners and JOIN THE FIGHT!
2020 Canadian Trapshooting Championships Cancelled
Message from CTA President Dwight Smith
April 4, 2020
Every year, we look forward to connecting with all of our Canadian shooting friends at the CTA shoot. But due to the devastating effects of COVID-19, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the event for the year 2020. As a dedicated shooter and as President, I understand that this is a difficult situation for everyone including the Edmonton Gun Club but the CTA is committed to ensuring every possible effort is made for the health and safety of our shooters, and all stakeholders of the event.
The Federal, Provincial and local health governing bodies have stated that all non-essential travel is not advised across most of our borders within Canada until June 30th and may very well be extended further as the virus’s effects are monitored. The group size has now dwindled to as few as 2 in some places for obvious reasons. Business is not as usual anywhere in Canada. Need I say more!
If anyone has any concerns, questions or just wants to talk please, by all means, contact me.
Stay healthy.
See you all in Edmonton next year.
Best Regards,
Dwight A Smith CTA President Cell: 1-306-229-1129
CTA COVID-19 Statement and ATA Updates
The Canadian Trapshooting Association is encouraging all clubs and shooters to take necessary precautions to deal with the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic. Our best advice is to stay informed and listen to public health authorities. The safety and health of our family and friends should be our top priority.
Gun Clubs across Canada and the US are taking the public health warnings seriously and are making the necessary decisions to help control the spread of COVID-19. The CTA is monitoring the situation and will provide updates when appropriate.
The Amateur Trapshooting Association is providing regular updates on
Shooter Corner
The CTA Shooter Corner has been updated with important information for all ATA shooters. Here you'll find the latest ATA rulebook and rules changes, dates for all the major ATA Satellite Grands, Zone Shoots and all State / Provincial Shoots and a bunch more.
The CTA logo. Same design but with a refreshed look.
The Main page displays up to 4 LATEST NEWS items. These are brief introductions to full articles that you can access by clicking on the Read More button.
We have added a NEWS section that is accessed by clicking on the View all our news button on the bottom of the main page. This section will be used to keep CTA shooters up to date on all CTA and ATA matters i.e. new rule book, shooter announcements, accomplishments etc.
The ABOUT US section tells visitors Who we Are, lists the CTA Provinces and Board of directors.
The CLUBHOUSE section is new and we'll be using the Club Corner and Shooter Corner to highlight a CTA club and shooter from time to time. The Shoot Calendar lists all provincial shoots dates and info.
Under CHAMPIONSHIPS we have Shoot Info and Results. The Shoot Info section lists information on this year's shoot while the Results section will display the latest results. Previous shoot results will be accessible by using the drop down box and selecting a year to view.
The RECORDS menu is where you'll find all of past Champions, Host Cities and Mackintosh Trophy Results. This info is now stored in a database and is easily updated. We're working on getting the Category info for the Handicap, Doubles, HOA and HAA. Unfortunately, that information is in various sources and we're working to piece it all together.
CONTACT. This will take site visitors to a form that sends us an email.
SEARCH. You can use the magnifying glass icon to search the CTA site for something of interest to you.
You'll also find a link to our Facebook page on the bottom of the page.
Clicking on the smaller CTA logo on the top right will take you back to the main page. So will clicking on the small house / home symbol.
CTA Executive
Buy / Sell
Buy & Sell Section
If you would like to list an item for sale or a wanted to buy notice, send us the following details.
Item Seller / Buyer's Name Seller / Buyer's Contact Email Seller / Buyer's Phone Number
Please note. The CTA does not make any attempt to verify items listed nor do we take any responsibility for transactions between individuals. This Buy / Sell section is to be used at your own risk.
CTA Executive
Items for Sale
Items Wanted
2019 Target Year - 20 000 Registered Targets
Congratulations to Alberta's Art Peyton and Ontario's Keith Saunders for registering over 20 000 targets in the 2019 ATA target year.
Here's the complete list of 20K Mega Target Members for 2019.
We've expanded our Records to include the Category Champions for Doubles, Handicap, High Over All and High All Around events. Previoulsy, we have only listed the Singles Categories.
Unfortunately, we're missing information for all years prior to 2013.. Can you help us fill in the missing information? If you're interested, contact us.